International qualified Lawyer in Paris

Maître Sophie CILPA


Sophie CILPA

Dynamic and experienced, Sophie CILPA excels in international law based in Paris. A specialist in immigration, family law and business law, she navigates with ease between the French and American legal systems. Bilingual and equipped with a global perspective, she guarantees a tailored legal approach, embracing her rich and diverse international background.

☎ 01 46 27 01 00
⚑ 35 rue du Général Delestraint 75016 Paris


Sophie CILPA

Dynamic and experienced, Sophie CILPA excels in international law based in Paris.
A specialist in immigration, family law and business law, she navigates with ease between
the French and American legal systems. Bilingual and equipped with a global perspective, she guarantees a tailored legal approach, embracing her rich and diverse international background.

☎ 01 46 27 01 00
⚑ 35 rue du Général Delestraint 75016 Paris

Areas of expertise

French immigration and nationality

U.S. Immigration and nationality

Family law and divorce

Estate law

Business law

Criminal law

A Committed Lawyer

Sophie CILPA embodies commitment and precision in the field of international law.
Her expertise, bolstered by significant experiences in France and the United States, allows her to defend her clients’ interests with seriousness and efficiency. Her determination and professionalism are the pillars of her practice.

A Committed Lawyer

Sophie CILPA embodies commitment and precision in the field of international law.
Her expertise, bolstered by significant experiences in France and the United States, allows her to defend her clients’ interests with seriousness and efficiency. Her determination and professionalism are the pillars of her practice.


Sophie CILPA

35 Rue du Général Delestraint 75016 Paris
☎ 01 46 27 01 00


5670 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles,
Suite 1800 CA 90036, USA


511 Ave. of the Americas Ste.
518 New-York, NY 10111 USA

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